Is the Homosexual’s Adoption of Children the Real Issue?

by Br. Gregory-David Jones, O.S.B.

     Recently, many Christians are up in arms against the idea of same-sex couples adopting children.  Indeed, this scenario presents a serious moral dilemma that we can partially blame ourselves for.  There has been a neglect of one of the fundamental ministries that Christians are supposed to make as part of our overall service to humanity.  We have made great progress in feeding the poor, offering help to the abused, sheltering the homeless and being companions to those who are emotionally in need, but whatever happened to hearing the orphans plea?  This is one area that the Scriptures seem to emphasize strongly.  There are curses and condemnations for those who violate orphans (Bar. 6:37, Deut. 27:19) and mandates for our concern for them as well as all children (Deut. 24:19-21, Is. 1:17, Mat. 10:42), but how much is this emphasized from the pulpits of our churches or even our discussions with other Christians about current issues facing the children neglected in society.  Actually, often when the subject is brought up it focuses primarily on the condemnation of homosexuals who try to adopt them.  This issue actually has very little to do with this segment of the population.

     It is obvious that every Christian should agree that homosexual activity is always immoral and that such a life-style must not be encouraged.  It is also possible that children being raised in a home that is headed by a same-sex couple could lead them into a lack of a moral direction in life and a lack of gender identification.  These are valid concerns, but the true heart of the problem is our neglect of these children and concern for their personal welfare.

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